Programs of Study: Degrees, Certificates & Diplomas
Westmoreland offers the associate of arts degree (AA), the associate of fine arts degree (AFA), the associate of applied science degree (AAS), the associate of science degree (AS), diploma and certificate programs.
The associate of arts degree requires 60 credits, including 36-40 credit hours of general education courses. This
degree is designed for students who are planning to transfer.
The associate of science degree is an academic transfer degree designed for students who want to pursue a bachelor of science (BS) degree at a four-year institution. The AS degree requires the completion of at least 60 credit hours and provides students with a foundation in science, math, and technology.
The associate of applied science degree requires at least 60 credit hours. Students take 15 hours of general education, one computer technology course and specific program courses.
The associate of fine arts degree requires 61 credits. Students
complete 19 general education credits in communication, mathematics, and social and
natural sciences. Students also complete 24 credits in the major.
Diploma programs require a minimum of 30 credit hours and
are designed for students interested in specific career courses.
Certificate programs consist of 15-23 credits and are specialized,
short-term programs which focus on work force entry and/or
development of specialized career skills.
Programs of Study
- Accounting, AAS
- Computer Accounting & Tax Specialist, Certificate
- General Accounting, Certificate
- Additive Manufacturing, AAS
- Additive Manufacturing, Diploma
- Additive Manufacturing, Certificate
- Business Administration, AA (transfer)
- Business, Diploma
- Entrepreneurship Option, AAS
- Entrepreneurship Option, Certificate
- Finance Option, AAS
- Finance Option, Certificate
- Human Resource Management Option, AAS
- Human Resource Management Option, Certificate
- Management Option, AAS
- Management Option, Certificate
- Marketing Option, AAS
- Marketing, Certificate
- Real Estate, Certificate
- Communication Design, AAS
- Graphics and Publishing Option, Certificate
- Web and Mobile Option, Certificate
- Computer Technology, AAS - Network Option
- Computer Technology, Certificate - Network Option
- Computer Technology, AAS - Programming Option
- Computer Technology, Certificate - Programming Option
- Computer Technology, AAS - Technical Support Option
- Computer Technology, Certificate - Microcomputer Support
- Computer Technology, Certificate - PC Repair/A+
- Computer Technology, Diploma
- Computer Technology, AAS - Web Publishing Option
- Computer Technology, Certificate - Web Application
- Computer Technology, Certificate - Web Development
- Criminal Justice, AA (transfer)
- Criminal Justice, AAS
- Cyber Security Option
- Corrections Officer, Certificate
- Security Professional, Certificate
- Pastry Arts Apprenticeship Option, AAS
- Pastry Arts Apprenticeship Option, Diploma
- Pastry Arts, AAS
- Pastry Arts, Diploma
- Pastry Arts, Certificate
- Culinary Arts Apprenticeship, AAS
- Culinary Arts Apprenticeship, Diploma
- Culinary Arts , AAS
- Culinary Arts, Diploma
- Culinary Arts, Certificate
- Hospitality Management
- Restaurant Management, AAS
- Dietary Management, AAS
- Lodging Management, AAS
- Hospitality Management, Diploma
- Hospitality Management, Certificate
- Cyber Security, AAS
- Cyber Security, Certificate
- Early Childhood Education, AAS
- Early Childhood Education, AA
- Early Childhood Education, Certificate
- Early Childhood Education - Child Development Associate, Certificate
- Early Childhood Education, PA Director Credential
- Expanded Functions Dental Assisting, AAS
- Expanded Functions Dental Assisting, Certificate
- Forensic Science, AAS
- Forensic Science Investigator, Certificate
- Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, AAS
- Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning, Diploma
- Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Mechanic I, Certificate
- Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Mechanic II, Certificate
- Journeyman Machining Technology, AAS
- Journeyman Machining Technology, Diploma
- Journeyman Machining Technology I, Certificate
- Journeyman Machining Technology II, Certificate
- Journeyman Machining Technology III, Certificate
- Journeyman Machining Technology IV, Certificate
- Legal Studies/Paralegal, AAS
- Legal Studies/Paralegal, Diploma
- Medical/Healthcare Management, AAS
- Medical/Healthcare Management, Diploma
- Medical/Healthcare Management, Certificate
- Advanced Standing Medical Coding, Certificate
- Office Administration Option, AAS
- Office Administration, Diploma
- Office Administration, Certificate
- Customer Service, Certificate
- Plumbing, AAS
- Plumbing, Diploma
- Plumbing, Certificate
- Psychology, AA (transfer)
- Robotics, AAS
- Robotics Basic Systems, Certificate
- Robotics Technician I, Certificate
- Robotics Technician II, Certificate
- Social Work, AAS
- Social Work, Certificate
- Video Production & Photography, AAS
- Video Production Option
- Photography Option
- Welding Engineering Technology, AAS
- Welding Engineering Technology, Diploma
- Welding Engineering Technology I, Certificate
- Welding Engineering Technology II, Certificate
- Welding Engineering Technology III, Certificate
- Special Alloy Welding, Certificate