Military Students | Westmoreland County Community College, Youngwood, Pennsylvania


Services for Veteran and Military Students

It is our honor and privilege to assist military-affiliated students as they transition into college. This page will provide you with information
regarding the services and resources available to our military-affiliated students at Westmoreland.

Female military student in a classAdmissions and Enrollment

Transfer in of military credits

Please submit your Joint Services Transcript to our admissions office. Credit is normally awarded based upon the recommendations of the American Council on Education.

Requesting military transcripts:

Credit for military experience and prior learning

Credit may be awarded to students who take CLEP or DSST exams in various college subjects. Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) provides upfront funding of test fees for eligible military members. Scores for all DANTES-funded exams are automatically reported on the Joint Services Transcript. For more information go to DANTES.

In-state rates, etc.

Westmoreland County Community College allows veterans, their spouses and dependent children, military personnel, their spouses and their dependent children and civilian personnel working on a military base, their spouses and their dependent children, who are admitted to a community college, to be charged the in-state, in-county rate, provided that the student is a resident of the state on the first day of the semester. 

** The student must be utilizing VA Educational benefits in order to qualfiy for in-county rate. ** 

Priority registration

Act 46 of 2014 requires public institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania to provide veteran students, as defined in the Act, with preference in course scheduling. For purposes of this policy, a veteran student is defined as an individual who:

  • Served in the United States Armed Forces, including a reserve component and National Guard and was   discharged/released from service under conditions other than dishonorable
  • Has been admitted to Westmoreland County Community College
  • Resides in Pennsylvania while attending Westmoreland County Community College

Veteran students who have met all other registration requirements will be given course scheduling preference and are permitted to register for classes one week prior to the regular registration periods as published in the academic calendar.

Eligible students must verify status by submitting documentation to the Westmoreland Registrar. Documentation may be either a DD-214 form or NGB-22 form which needs to be submitted one time only. Interested veterans should contact the Information Center at 724-925-4000 or infocenterFREEWESTMORELAND.

Male military student on laptopMilitary withdrawal

Whenever any member of the PA National Guard or other reserve component of the armed forces of the United States shall be called or ordered to active duty, other than active duty for training, including, in case of members of the PA National Guard, active State duty, the college shall grant the member or member’s spouse a military leave or absence from their education. The member or member’s spouse shall receive an “M” (Military Withdrawal) on their transcript for all classes they are unable to complete due to a military leave of absence.

First-year seminar for military students

Westmoreland County Community College requires the First-Year Seminar to help first-semester students successfully acclimate to the college experience.

  • One section of this course offered online, PDV 101 WM, is designed
    just for our military and veteran students attending any Westmoreland location.
  • This specific section will cover all of the topics in the traditional
    First-Year Seminar while integrating information relevant to our
    military and veteran students, including services offered through
    Westmoreland, Veterans Educational Benefits, the Military Student
    Lounge, military and veteran events, resources available both inside
    and outside of the college, and more!

VA Education Benefits and Financial Aid

Military students may be eligible for VA education benefits, federal or state financial aid and scholarships.

Military-related scholarships

Each year alumni, friends, community members and corporate partners give funds to the Westmoreland County Community College Educational Foundation to provide scholarships for students. Any new or returning student is eligible to apply for foundation scholarships. Please complete the general scholarship application prior to the deadline to be considered for all of our Education Foundation scholarships.  An example of a military-related scholarship is:

  • Scobell Scholarship Honoring Navy Seals

Find more information on our scholarships page.

Student Resources

Advisors and Counselors

  • Westmoreland has an advisor who specializes in working with our
    military and veteran students alongside advisors and counselors who are available to work with you to meet your needs.
  • Advisors work in collaboration with admissions, financial aid, counseling and faculty to coordinate the enrollment and registration process and support you on your path to success. 
  • Any suggestions, questions, and concerns should be directed to Missy Kochuga at 724-925-6895 or kochugamFREEWESTMORELAND.

Military Student Lounge

The primary purpose of the Military Student Lounge, located in SAC Room 760, is to provide Westmoreland students who are veterans or otherwise military-affiliated (active duty, reservist or National Guard) a comfortable, quiet place for studying, relaxation and comradery.

This lounge may also serve as a meeting location for visits by local veteran service representatives. Scheduled meetings held in the Military Student Lounge will be promptly announced via signage.

Military Student Lounge

Military Student LoungeOther student resources

Tutoring, counseling and career development are some of the services available at the college. 

Military-Related Organizations

Military Student Events

Military Student Meet and Greet

An opportunity for military students to meet other military and veteran students, to learn more about Priority Registration, speak with staff about college services, see the Military Student Lounge (if you haven’t yet already), and enjoy some refreshments. Usually held once a semester in the fall and spring.

Veterans Day Events

Through the years the college has held a variety of events to recognize the sacrifices of our military including a Veterans Day Appreciation Breakfast and various Veterans Day activities including cards of appreciation to our military students and refreshments and gifts in the military lounge.

'You Served, Now We Serve You' Events

Representatives from various veterans providers come on campus to meet our military students and share information about their services.