Have an Impact on the Lives of Children

Westmoreland offers two associate degrees and two certificates in Early Childhood Education. The Child Development Associate certificate provides the coursework to complete the CDA credential through the Council for Professional Recognition. We are also an approved institution to complete coursework for the Pennsylvania's Director Credential.
Westmoreland’s education program is informed by NAEYC’s Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators, the PA Key’s Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators, and the Pennsylvania Department of Education‛s Teacher Certification Competencies.
Why Choose Education as a Career?
Early Childhood and Primary Education (PreK-4) are fields where practitioners make lasting impacts on the lives of children and their caregivers. Educators must be patient, open to learning about and embracing of differences, and have a commitment to life-long learning. In our program, educators are equipped to create equitable classrooms that serve all children and their caregivers.
What Will I Learn?
Westmoreland’s Early Childhood Education program is taught by faculty with a student to teacher ratio of 15:1, which gives plenty of time for individualized attention. All of the early childhood programs are available entirely online.
The Child Development Associate Certificate provides the education requirements and support to complete the industry recognized CDA credential, leading to entry level certification for the field. Participants complete the CDA Portfolio, arrange for the verification visit, and set up the CDA exam in this program.
The Early Childhood AAS prepares graduates for entry level through leadership positions in the field of early childhood education. These positions, depending upon the employer, include: program director, lead and assistant teacher, home visitor, service coordinator, family childcare provider, and public school aide. This program fulfills the educational requirements for the PA Director’s Credential.
The Elementary Education PreK-4 AA degree prepares graduates to transfer to a 4-year institution and apply for teacher certification in grades PreK-4 after completing an approved baccalaureate program. Graduates of the AA program have the option to transfer to many four-year institutions. This program fulfills the educational requirements for the PA Director’s Credential. Learn more about transfer opportunities at Westmoreland’s Transfer Page.
The PA Key has approved Westmoreland as a participating institution to provide Director Credential coursework. After meeting with the program chair, students select three courses from the approved curriculum to complete. After completing the courses, you can apply for the PA Director’s Credential through the PA Key, pending you have met employment and supervisory requirements. Find details and requirements at the PA Key Director Credential site.
The Early Childhood Education Certificate prepares students for entry level positions in the field. The certificate also provides qualifying coursework to meet the PA Career Pathway Levels B and C requirements for those with degrees in related fields to teach in early childhood.
- View the CDA Certificate in the College Catalog
- View the AAS degree in the College Catalog
- View the AA degree in the College Catalog
- View the Certificate in the College Catalog
- View the Director Credential in the College Catalog
Funding Opportunities
Westmoreland is a PASSHE PDO partner, which means that if you qualify, you can receive full tuition and fee assistance for up to 24 credits per academic year. The PASSHE PDO Assistance program supports students in the CDA, AAS, and AA programs. Find more info about the program and the application at https://ecepdo.org/
Meet Dr. Slider and learn more about the PDO program in the video below.
The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Scholarship offers support for tuition, books, and travel and paid release time for practitioners who qualify. The program supports students in the AAS and AA programs. You can find out more and apply to the program by going to this link TEACH.
The Rising STARS Tuition Assistance Program from the PA KEY will pay for 95% of tuition costs and fees for qualifying students for the PA Director’s Credential coursework. You can find out more and apply to the program by going to this link Rising STARS Tuition Assistance Program
Career & Transfer Opportunities
Depending on the pathway you choose, program graduates find employment in a variety of agencies including public and private preschools, child care centers, and with public service organizations. Based on the type of employment you pursue, graduates can serve as lead or assistant teachers, center directors, start their own site, or work in the public school system as a paraprofessional or teacher’s aide. Visit the PA Key's Career Pathway System to see where your training places you on the Pathway.
Graduates can also transfer to 4-year institutions to complete degrees in PreK-4 education for certification as primary education teachers. Learn more about transfer opportunities at Westmoreland’s Transfer Page.