Westmoreland presents Stephanie Turin with Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Teaching Award | Westmoreland County Community College, Youngwood, Pennsylvania

Westmoreland presents Stephanie Turin with Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Teaching Award

Stephanie Turin with students

Westmoreland presents Stephanie Turin with Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Teaching Award

February 20, 2025

Westmoreland County Community College recently named Associate Professor of Social Work Stephanie Turin of Greensburg (formerly of Altoona) as the recipient of the 2024-25 Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Teaching Award.

Presented by Cynthia Proctor, interim vice president for Academic Affairs, the award recognizes and honors a Westmoreland full-time faculty member who demonstrates excellence in the classroom, instructional innovation, contributions to the community and leadership with the college. Faculty are nominated by students and the winner is selected by a committee of their peers.

This year, there were more than 150 student nominations submitted for 36 faculty members.

One student who nominated her for the award said, “Stephanie is a tremendous asset to the college and the students. She goes way above what is asked to help us all out and is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to social work. She's always on top of what's going on in the community and is the first to speak up to let us know what we can do. Her classes are always fun and engaging. I feel like I've learned how to be the best version of myself.”

Since 2013, Turin has made an impact on her students both in and out of the classroom. A few examples of her leadership include co-founding the Advocacy Center and Career Closet and Fashion Show; membership with the college’s Strategic Planning Committee, the National Council for Undergraduate Research, Poverty Simulation, as well as various college governance and search committees.

Turin holds a master’s degree in Social Work/Administration from the University of Pittsburgh and a bachelor of arts degree in Social Work from Seton Hill College. She also holds certifications in Pennsylvania as a social worker and clinical social worker.

In her Best Teaching Experience Narrative, she related how many of her students are first-generation college students, may have not done well in their high school studies, may not have a solid support system at home or are juggling many different responsibilities that limit their availability to experience different aspects of life but knowing her students’ challenges both in and out of the classroom allows her to help them open doors to success.

“Working with these students in the classroom, I know they are able to be great social workers and make a difference in others’ lives,” Turin said.

"Stephanie is one of our most active faculty members. She is always looking for ways to improve the experience her students gain at Westmoreland," stated Proctor. "She volunteers in the community and on campus and she is always willing to give her time and talents to help students succeed. Westmoreland is proud to have Professor Turin on the team."