Business Graduate’s Food Pantry Idea Becomes Reality on Youngwood Campus
February 5, 2018 Youngwood, Pa.Westmoreland County Community College cut the ribbon Monday on the Food for Thoughts Food Pantry, a concept created by a graduate who now works at the college.
“I was looking for a way to help students who need the help but knew that students tend to be private about their situations,” Emily Faulds said.
Faulds graduated in May 2017 with an associate degree in business management. She came up with the food pantry idea in one of her marketing classes.
“I am so proud of what Emily has done,” said Dr. Tuesday Stanley, college president. “It is incumbent upon us to make sure our students are successful holistically.”
Stanley also commended Dr. Robert Saul and Cheryl Miller, Faulds’ Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR) faculty mentors. While she was a student, Faulds had the opportunity to present the project with the National Council of Undergraduate Research (NCUR).
“I’m just thankful for everyone’s support,” Faulds said. “I had the help of many in creating this project and it was not just my idea, but my classmates and professors as well, and now we are able to see the project come to life.”
The pantry relies on donations from college faculty and staff. It is open Monday-Thursday from 7:30-9:30 a.m. in Founders Hall Room 345. It is open to all students, no questions asked.