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This space can accommodate 75 words. These first two sentences are an example of a font call Lato. It is a Google web font which is very close to the Westmoreland preferred font Avenir. From here forward the font is avenir. If there is not a web license for Avenir we suggest going with Lato. For a comparison of it set in bold, see the location section above. The row one is in Avenir and the second is set in Lato.

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This space can accommodate 75 words. These first two sentences are an example of a font call Lato. It is a Google web font which is very close to the Westmoreland preferred font Avenir. From here forward the font is avenir. If there is not a web license for Avenir we suggest going with Lato. For a comparison of it set in bold, see the location section above. The row one is in Avenir and the second is set in Lato.

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